Slides Framework
Section 1

How Do You Feel?

Exploring reactions to racial equity

  • overview

    This section encourages you to reflect on your initial reactions to conversations focusing on race and racism.

    learning outcome

    A greater understanding of, and comfort with, the emotions initially provoked by conversations about race and racism.

  • Excited
Section 1: How Do You Feel?

How does it make you feel to talk about racial equity?

Select an emoji or scroll down to begin.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling frustrated...

  • Our campus talks about racial equity but we don’t change our practices or policies to assist minoritized students.

    We are unable to have productive conversations about race and racism.

    I don’t see color. I’m color-blind.

    I treat all my students the same. No one is given special privileges.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling worried...

  • I’m unsure if our institution will make equity a priority.

    Our institution just isn’t capable of being a welcoming place for African American and Latinx students right now.

    I will soon be up for tenure and will need to focus my attention on other initiatives.

    I’m afraid that I’ll be called racist if I talk about race.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling disappointed...

  • I’ve been here for over a decade and we still do not have Chicano studies program.

    We are not achieving equity for our minoritized racial / ethnic groups, and we don’t know how.

    I thought I was entering an institution that cared about racial equity but found that not to be the case.

    We have opportunities to talk about racial equity but there isn’t much participation or authentic engagement with the topic.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling excited...

  • I am excited about the opportunity to push equity forward for our students.

    I feel like we’re finally ready to do something meaningful for our African American, Latinx, Native American, and Asian students.

    I am excited to share what I know on the topic of racial equity with my institution/department/peers.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling happy...

  • I am happy that we have the support of our President. We will be able to set racial equity goals at the department and leadership level.

    I don’t know much about racial equity but am happy to get to learn.

    I am happy that, as a person of color, my experiences might be represented and voiced.

    I am happy that, as a white person, I have the opportunity to be more of an ally to my students and colleagues.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling interested...

  • I am curious to learn about practices and policies that negatively impact students of color.

    I have never engaged in talks about racial equity but am interested to learn what it entails.

    I have been talking to students and noticing more that race is important.

    I’ve seen my disaggregated data and have some gaps. I want to do something but I don’t know what.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling scared...

  • Our leadership is currently in transition and that leaves us in an unknown territory. It may be better to wait instead of push our equity imitative forward because we will need buy-in from key stakeholders.

    I am afraid that I will say the wrong thing.

    What if I find that my classroom is inequitable?

    I am afraid I may be marginalized in my department/institution for bringing up racial equity.

    I understand that students are disproportionately impacted by institutional policies and practices but I’m not willing to take charge of the initiative because I will soon be up for a promotion or tenure.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling confused...

  • We don’t need to change our methodology and disaggregate by race and ethnicity.

    Why aren’t we focusing on socio-economic and/or gender inequities?

    I thought we were over racism. Shouldn’t we focus on socio-economic status (SES) instead?

    I’m not sure I am saying the right things with regard to racial equity.

    As a white person, I am not sure what my place is in this conversation.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling angry...

  • We also need to focus on LGBTQ, veteran, students with disabilities because they are also disproportionately impacted.

    I’m not racist!

    My campus has done nothing on racial equity!

    Everybody says that I am privileged but I am not.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling tired...

  • We say the same thing every year but our policies and practices have yet to change. We need to set racial equity goals and hold leadership accountable.

    I am tired of being the only one to bring up racial equity.

    I am tired of hearing about racial equity and not about other student groups.

    Racial equity takes time I feel we don’t have, we are overworked as it is!

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling uncomfortable...

  • I am not sure how to engage my peers or supervisor around racial equity.

    I am not willing to call out every microaggression I experience by my peers or colleagues.

    What if I say something that offends somebody?

    It is difficult to step outside the box when it comes to my classroom practices.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling neutral...

  • I don't have strong feelings about talking about racial equity. Either the conversations happen or they don’t.

    I am not sure that talking about racial equity can have strong effects on my students’ success.

    I care about racial equity, but am not in a position of power to move this work forward.

    I think classroom practice is pretty equitable already.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

I'm feeling disinterested...

  • I am not interested in engaging in conversation around minoritized student groups. They’re experiences are no different from White students.

    I am not willing to critically reflect on current practices. I’m doing the same thing I’ve been doing for 15 years and it works fine.

    I don’t want to put myself in a vulnerable or marginalized position at my institution so I disengage with racial equity talks.

    We live in a post-racial society.

    I have sat through too many trainings on racial equity.

    Talks about racial equity are not sufficiently engaging for me.

Section 1: How Do You Feel?

Thank you for exploring the reactions you feel when conversations about racial equity emerge.

  • Getting comfortable

    If you’re not there already, CUE’s goal is to help you feel comfortable and confident when talking about racial equity and the ways in which race and racism exist in our and our students’ day-to-day lives.

    Our goal is to also provide you with language and tools that will help you make sense of your classroom dynamics in a race-conscious way.

  • up next:

    We’ll reflect on your syllabus and identify the ways it already serves students from minoritized racial/ethnic groups, and how it could be better leveraged to do so in equity-minded ways.

    To start, we'll explore three prompts.