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Section 1: How Do You Feel?
Prompt #1
1-minute reflection
What life experiences have contributed to the reactions you feel when conversations about racial equity emerge?
Section 1: How Do You Feel?
Prompt #2
1-minute reflection
Do you think that your peers have similar or different reactions when conversations about racial equity emerge? If different, what do you think contributes to this difference?
Section 1: How Do You Feel?
Prompt #3
1-minute reflection
In an ideal future, what reaction would you liketo have when conversations about racial equity emerge?
Section 1
Learning Summary
What did we learn in this section?
section takeaways
A range of emotions is normal and expected.
It’s important to identify and name the emotions you feel when conversations about race and racism occur.
As applicable, CUE encourages you to identify the emotions you’d like to feel when conversations about race and racism emerge and to work towards that emotional goal.