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Section 2: Why Do Syllabi Matter?
Part II: Inquiry
Why inquire into syllabi?
Teaching is a core practice of college faculty, yet inquiry and self-reflection are rarely routine and often occur in an unstructured manner.
Section 2: Why Do Syllabi Matter?
Part II: Inquiry
Why inquire into syllabi?
Teaching is a core practice of college faculty, yet inquiry and self-reflection are rarely routine and often occur in an unstructured manner.
Syllabus review is an opportunity for structured inquiry and reflection, providing a safe space to assess aspects of teaching as reflected in syllabi, for example, course goals, class norms and rules, expectations for and evaluations of student learning, and forms of assistance and support.
Section 2: Why Do Syllabi Matter?
Part II: Inquiry
Why inquire into syllabi?
Teaching is a core practice of college faculty, yet inquiry and self-reflection are rarely routine and often occur in an unstructured manner.
Syllabus review is an opportunity for structured inquiry and reflection, providing a safe space to assess aspects of teaching as reflected in syllabi, for example, course goals, class norms and rules, expectations for and evaluations of student learning, and forms of assistance and support.
As artifacts of practice that capture how faculty see the course, what they assume students should be able to accomplish, and what they will do to advance student learning, inquiry into syllabi has the potential to reveal the assumptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs that shape teaching. Also, examining the content and language of a syllabus can help make explicit who it is written for (e.g., students, faculty, institution) and who it best serves.